
May 20, 2023

Today, 20th of  May,  we held the first training session of the pre-incubation phase of the #BRIDGE_GLOBAL Program for SMEs and entrepreneurs at our BINA Headquarters in Istanbul. Dr. Yavuz Selim SILAY, Physician Entrepreneur and Venture Architect, presented the Team Building and Foundations of Entrepreneurship session. We also held a workshop discussing the success story of TUMMIAD and social entrepreneurship by its Chairman Mr. Bulent Kavakli, moderated by Dr. SILAY. As our D.G Mr. Mustafa Elsagezle and Mr. Yasin Elmadit welcomed everyone on behalf of BINA BUSINESS INCUBATOR. Huseyin Ciftci from Fonbulucu Crowdfunding Platform Investment Committee spoke about the importance of crowdfunding platforms and mentioned that they will be watching carefully the #BRIDGE_GLOBAL Program participants for potential investments. We will have a startup Fight session with Mr. Bulent Kavakli and pitch to investors tomorrow. Ms. Beril Koparal and Dr. SILAY will moderate the pitching session.”
This project (FÜRSA) is funded by Qatar Fund For Development, technically supported by SPARKS, and implemented by Qatar Charity قطر الخيرية and #BINA.

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